1) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v ) { if ($k == $postprefix) { //We aldready have the url, so do nothing } else { //Assemble the post with keys & values $postval .= urlencode($k)."=".urlencode($v)."&"; } } } //Set method, postval & cookieval $method = "POST"; $postval = substr($postval, 0, -1); $cookieval = array(); //Check the link linkcheck($url,$method,$postval,$cookieval); } } elseif ($_GET) { //De-Obfuscate $url = de_obfuscate($_GET[$getprefix]); //Nasty hack for url's with extra args e.g. &k=v if (count($_GET) > 1) { //We only want one ? if (!preg_match("/\?/", $url)) { $url .= "?"; } foreach ($_GET as $k => $v ) { if ($k == $getprefix) { //We aldready have the url, so do nothing } else { //Reassemble the url with keys & values $url .= "&$k=$v"; } } // Gets rid of the GET variables in the URL after a GET form. // Added by xcham, Aug 06/04 header("Location: " . $serverpath . obfuscate($url)); } //Set holder $cookieval = array(); if ($_COOKIE) { //Get any Cookies we've set //for the right host //Parse the url $urlparsed = parse_url($url); //Get the host $host = $urlparsed['host']; foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v ) { $val = explode("|", $v); if ($url_obfuscation > 0) { $val[1] = de_obfuscate($val[1]); } if ($val[1] == ".".$host) { array_push($cookieval, "$k=$val[0]"); } } } //Set method & postval $method = "GET"; $postval = "NULL"; //Check the link linkcheck($url,$method,$postval,$cookieval); } else { //If server_mode is https force the user //to access via https if ($server_mode == "https") { if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { header("Location: " . $servername); exit(); } } index(); } /*************************************************************/ /* Index */ /*************************************************************/ function index() { global $getprefix, $version; echo " pHproxy


Start browsing through this php-based proxy by entering a URL below.

pHproxy $version Restart

"; } /*************************************************************/ /* Location Bar */ /*************************************************************/ function location($fullurl) { global $getprefix; $location = "

      [ Restart ]

"; return $location; } /*************************************************************/ /* Error Messages */ /*************************************************************/ function error_blank() { echo "pHproxy
"; echo "You have to enter a url or domain name
"; echo "
"; } function error_loop() { echo "pHproxy
"; echo "You have entered the url of this proxy.
"; echo "
"; } function error_banned() { echo "pHproxy
"; echo "You tried to access a restricted server. The owner of this proxy has restricted which servers it can access, presumably for security or bandwidth reasons.
"; echo "
"; } function error_mime() { echo "pHproxy
"; echo "You tried to access a non-text mime type. This proxy has been configured to operate in text-only mode, presumably for security or bandwidth reasons.
"; echo "
"; } function error_gd() { echo "pHproxy
"; echo "This proxy has been configured on a server that does not have GD support. Please disable the pad_images option.
"; echo "
"; } function error_crypt2plain() { global $serverpath; echo "pHproxy
"; echo "You have requested the encrypted contents of an SSL-enabled web server (HTTPS) but have accessed pHproxy though plaintext (HTTP). The encrypted contents will be transfered to you in plaintext. This is a serious security risk."; echo "
"; } /*************************************************************/ /* (De) Obfuscate */ /*************************************************************/ function obfuscate($url) { global $url_obfuscation, $passwd; if ($url_obfuscation == 1) { return base64_encode($url); } elseif ($url_obfuscation == 2) { return str_rot13($url); } elseif ($url_obfuscation == 3) { return xorcist($url, $passwd); } else { return rawurlencode($url); } } function de_obfuscate($url) { global $url_obfuscation, $passwd; if ($url_obfuscation == 1) { return base64_decode($url); } elseif ($url_obfuscation == 2) { return str_rot13($url); } elseif ($url_obfuscation == 3) { return de_xorcist($url, $passwd); } else { return rawurldecode($url); } } /*************************************************************/ /* XOR (Server Side) */ /*************************************************************/ function xorcist($string, $passwd) { $xorized = ""; $index = 0; $ichars = str_split($string); foreach ($ichars as $i) { $xor1 = ord($i); $xor2 = ord($passwd[$index % strlen($passwd)]); $xored = ($xor1 ^ $xor2); $xorized .= sprintf("%02x", $xored); $index++; } return $xorized; } function str_split($string, $split_length = 1) { $strlen = strlen($string); for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i += $split_length) { $array[] = substr($string, $i, $split_length); } return $array; } /*************************************************************/ /* de-XOR (Server Side) */ /*************************************************************/ function de_xorcist($string, $passwd) { // Decode string $string = base16_decode($string); //de-XOR $output = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { $output .= chr(ord($string{$i}) ^ ord($passwd{$i % strlen($passwd)})); } return $output; } function base16_decode($string) { $hex_digits = '0123456789abcdef'; $output=''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i = $i + 2) { $char_code = (strpos($hex_digits, $string{$i}) << 4) | (strpos($hex_digits, $string{$i+1})); $output .= chr($char_code); } return $output; } /*************************************************************/ /* XOR (Client Side) */ /*************************************************************/ // Original JavaScript by Tim Smith. function gen_symbolname() { $obfusc_ch = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890"; // choose a random length between 13 and 32 $len = rand(13,32); // should be long enough to avoid collision $s_name = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $s_name .= substr($obfusc_ch,rand(0,strlen($obfusc_ch) - 1),1); } // ensure that it starts with a letter and not a number // index 51 is where the letters end (26 * 2 - 1) $s_name = substr($obfusc_ch,rand(0,51),1) . $s_name; return $s_name; } function gen_spaces() { $MAX = 50; $MIN = 20; $N = rand($MIN,$MAX); $str = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $N; $i++) { $str .= " "; } return $str; } function spaceify($str) { $ar = explode("\n",$str); $str2 = ""; foreach ($ar as $val) { $str2 .= gen_spaces() . $val . (rand(0,1) ? "\n" : ""); } return $str2; } function xorjs($xorized, $passwd) { $symbols = array( "base16_decode" => gen_symbolname(), "string" => gen_symbolname(), "hex_digits" => gen_symbolname(), "output" => gen_symbolname(), "i" => gen_symbolname(), "char_code" => gen_symbolname(), "xor_decode" => gen_symbolname(), "output" => gen_symbolname(), "passwd" => gen_symbolname(), "key" => gen_symbolname(), "j" => gen_symbolname(), "docwritefn" => gen_symbolname() ); // randomly create javascript function, to throw off pattern matching // for doc.write $coinflip = rand(0,1); $obfusc_fn = " function " . $symbols['docwritefn'] . "(str) { document.write(str); }"; if ($coinflip == 0) { $symbols['docwritefn'] = "document.write"; } $position = rand(0,3); return spaceify(" "); } /*************************************************************/ /* Link Check */ /*************************************************************/ function linkcheck($url,$method,$postval,$cookieval) { global $servername, $allowed_servers, $banned_servers, $banned_networks; $ok = 1; //Blank Check if ($url == "") { //No url error_blank(); } elseif ($url == $servername) { //Calling itself, infinite loop error_loop(); } else { //Get rid of any space $url = preg_replace("/ /i", "%20", $url); //Check if url starts with http preg_match("/^(.*:\/\/)?([^:\/]+)/i", $url, $match); if (!preg_match("/^http(s?):\/\//i", $match[1])) { $url = "http://$url";}; //Parse the url $urlparsed = parse_url($url); $host = $urlparsed['host']; $hostaddr = gethostbyname($host); //Check if banned_network if (count($banned_networks) > 0) { foreach ($banned_networks as $banned_net) { if (preg_match("/^$banned_net/", $hostaddr)) { $ok = 0; } } } //Check if banned_server if (count($banned_servers) > 0) { foreach ($banned_servers as $banned_serv) { $banned_ip = gethostbyname($banned_serv); if (preg_match("/^$banned_ip/", $hostaddr)) { $ok = 0; } } } //Check if allowed_servers if (count($allowed_servers) > 0) { $ok = 0; foreach ($allowed_servers as $allowed_serv) { $allowed_ip = gethostbyname($allowed_serv); if (preg_match("/^$allowed_ip/", $hostaddr)) { $ok = 1; } } } //Get the URL if ($ok == 1) { proxy($url,$method,$postval,$cookieval); } else { //Server is banned error_banned(); } } } /*************************************************************/ /* URL Join */ /*************************************************************/ //URLJoin was made possible thanks to uber-help from Catspaw! function urljoin($prev,$next) { //Don't fuck with the order of things, this was unpleasant //move $next & $prev to lowercase //$prev = strtolower($prev); //$next = strtolower($next); //Parse the url $urlparsed = parse_url($prev); //Get the scheme $scheme = $urlparsed['scheme']."://"; //Strip anchor $prev = array_shift(split("#", $prev)); $next = array_shift(split("#", $next)); $prev = preg_replace("/\?.*/","",$prev); //If there is nothing after the hostname, ensure there is a trailing slash if (count(split("/", $prev)) < 4) { $prev = "$prev"."/"; } //Kick the previous filename off, so we can append other stuff //array_pop(split("/", $prev)); $x = split("/", $prev); array_pop($x); $prev = implode("/", $x); //If the next url is ablsolute, just use it if (preg_match("/:\/\//", $next)) { return $next; } //Split by / $baseURL = split("/", preg_replace("/.*:\/\//","",$prev)); //Remove blanks $baseURL = array_filter($baseURL, "is_blank"); //If it doesnt start with a / or a . then append to url if ((substr("$next",0,1) != "/") && (substr("$next",0,1) != ".")) { return $scheme.implode("/", $baseURL)."/$next"; } elseif ($next == "/") { return $scheme.array_shift($baseURL); } elseif (substr("$next",0,2) == "//") { return $scheme.substr("$next",2); } elseif (substr("$next",0,1) == "/") { return $scheme.array_shift($baseURL)."/".substr("$next",1); } elseif (substr("$next",0,2) == "./") { return $scheme.implode("/", $prev)."/".substr("$next",2); } else { $adders = split("/", $next); foreach ($adders as $m) { if (($m == "..") && (count($baseURL) > 1)) { array_pop($baseURL); } elseif ($m != "..") { array_push($baseURL, "$m"); } } return $scheme.implode("/", $baseURL); } } //Blank Remove Check function is_blank($var) { return ($var != ""); } /*************************************************************/ /* Script Stripper */ /*************************************************************/ //TODO: This needs to be done right! function script_stripper($stuff) { //Script Tags $tags = array("']*?>.*?'si", "']*?>'si", "']*?>'si", "']*?>.*?'si", "']*?>.*?'si", "']*?>.*?'si"); $stuff = preg_replace($tags, "", $stuff); /* //JS event handlers found inside html tags //Takes too long if using more than 5 tags $intags = array(/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(style=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onClick=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onload=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onMouseOut=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onMouseOver=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onSubmit=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onChange=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onFocus=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onBlur=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onDblClick=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onDragDrop=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onError=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onKeyDown=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onKeyPress=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onKeyUp=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onMouseDown=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onMouseUp=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onMove=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onReset=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onResize=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onSelect=['\"].*?['\"])/si", "/<(\w*\s)(.*?)(onUnload=['\"].*?['\"])/si"); $replacement = "<\$1\$2"; $stuff = preg_replace($intags, $replacement, $stuff); */ return $stuff; } //Fix postnuke's & function fixpostnuke($stuff) { $stuff = preg_replace("/&/si", "&", $stuff); return $stuff; } /*************************************************************/ /* Pad Images */ /*************************************************************/ function padimages($img,$mime) { //Get GD info $gdinfo = gd_info(); $image_mime = array(); foreach ($gdinfo as $k => $v ) { if (($k == "JPG Support") && ($v)) { array_push($image_mime, "image/jpeg"); } if (($k == "PNG Support") && ($v)) { array_push($image_mime, "image/png"); } //Support for GIF was restored in gd 2.0.28 if (($k == "GIF Create Support") && ($v)) { array_push($image_mime, "image/gif"); } } if (in_array($mime, $image_mime)) { $imgpad = str_repeat(decbin(rand(1,100)), rand(1,10)); $src_img = imagecreatefromstring($img); $text_color = imagecolorallocate($src_img, 0, 0, 255); imagestring($src_img, 1, 5, 5, $imgpad, $text_color); if (preg_match("/image\/gif/i", $mime)) { imagegif($src_img); } if (preg_match("/image\/jpeg/i", $mime)) { imagejpeg($src_img); } if (preg_match("/image\/png/i", $mime)) { imagepng($src_img); } imagedestroy($src_img); } else { echo $img; } } /*************************************************************/ /* Proxy Socket */ /*************************************************************/ function proxysocket($url,$method,$postval,$cookieval) { global $server_mode, $serverpath, $url_obfuscation, $version; $headers = ""; $html = ""; //Parse the url $urlparsed = parse_url($url); $scheme = $urlparsed['scheme']; $host = $urlparsed['host']; if(count($urlparsed) > 2) { //It parsed a path $path = $urlparsed['path']; } else { $path = "/"; } //Strip _underscore that parse_url sometimes //puts on the end of the path if (substr($path, -1) == '_') { $path = substr_replace($path, "", strlen($path)-1, strlen($path)); } //Check the path, is there isn't one its / if ($path == "") { $path = "/"; } //If phproxy is access through http, but is requesting https //then warn the user that the encrypted text is transfered in plaintext if (($server_mode == "http") && ($scheme == "https")) { error_crypt2plain(); exit(); } //Construct the link path $link = ''; if (isset($urlparsed['query'])) { $link .= "?$urlparsed[query]"; } if (isset($urlparsed['fragment'])) { $link .= "#$urlparsed[fragment]"; } $link = $path.$link; //Get the IP //fsockopen cannot handle domains with _underscores ? $ip = gethostbyname($host); if ($scheme == "https") { $fp = fsockopen("ssl://".$ip, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30); } else { $fp = fsockopen($ip, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); } if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)\n"; } else { if ($method == "POST") { $length = strlen($postval); $out = "POST $path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $out .= "Host: $host\r\n"; $out .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; pHproxy/$version)\r\n"; $out .= "Referer: $url\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Length: $length\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; $out .= $postval; } else { $out = "GET $link HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $out .= "Host: $host\r\n"; $out .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; pHproxy/$version)\r\n"; $out .= "Referer: $url\r\n"; if (count($cookieval) > 0) { foreach ($cookieval as $cookie) { $out .= "Cookie: $cookie\r\n"; } } $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; } fwrite($fp, $out); $fheader = 1; $headers = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 128); //Grab the headers if ($fheader == 1) { if ($line == "\r\n") { $fheader = 0; } else { //Assemble the headers $headers .= $line; } } else { //Grab the page content $html .= $line; } } fclose($fp); } //Return headers & html return array($headers, $html); } /*************************************************************/ /* Process Headers */ /*************************************************************/ function processheaders($url,$headers) { global $serverpath, $url_obfuscation, $media_mode, $no_cookies; //Place holder for headers to process and return $location = ""; $content_type = ""; $content_disposition = ""; $set_cookie = ""; //Parse the url $urlparsed = parse_url($url); $scheme = $urlparsed['scheme']; $host = $urlparsed['host']; //Split headers into array $headers = preg_split("/\n/", $headers); //Start processing the headers foreach ($headers as $headerline) { //Location header (302 re-direct) if (preg_match("/Location: (.*)/i", $headerline)) { //Some 302 redirects use just the path, need to construct a full url if (!preg_match("/[Ll]ocation: $scheme/i", $headerline)) { $fullurl = $scheme."://".$host."/"; $headerline = preg_replace("/Location: (.*)/ie","'Location: $fullurl'.'\\1'",$headerline); } if ($url_obfuscation == 0) { $location = preg_replace("/Location: (.*)/ie","'Location: $serverpath'.'\\1'",$headerline); } else { $location = preg_replace("/Location: (.*)/ie","'Location: $serverpath'.obfuscate('\\1')",$headerline); } } // Content-Type //Text Mimes $text_mime = array("text/plain", "text/html", "text/css"); if (preg_match("/Content-Type: (\w+\/\w+)(.*)/i", $headerline, $matches)) { $mime = $matches[1]; if (in_array($mime, $text_mime)) { //Yay text $content_type = $headerline; } else { //media_mode is 2 (all), images are handled in proxy() if ($media_mode == 2) { //Get the name of the file $filearray = preg_split("/\//", $url); $output_file = $filearray[count($filearray) -1]; $content_type = $headerline; $content_disposition = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$output_file; } else { //Error error_mime(); exit(); } } } //Cookies if (!$no_cookies) { if (preg_match("/Set-Cookie: (.*)/i", $headerline)) { //Append the real host to the val, split with | if ($url_obfuscation > 0) { $set_cookie = preg_replace("/Set-Cookie: (.*?=.*?)(;)(.*)/ie", "'Set-Cookie: '.'\\1'.'|'.obfuscate('.$host').'\\2\\3'",$headerline); } else { $set_cookie = preg_replace("/Set-Cookie: (.*?=.*?)(;)(.*)/ie", "'Set-Cookie: '.'\\1'.'|.$host'.'\\2\\3'",$headerline); } //Get rid of the real domain if there is one $set_cookie = preg_replace("/Set-Cookie: (.*?)(domain=.*)/ie", "'Set-Cookie: '.'\\1'",$set_cookie); } } //Process more headers } return array($location, $content_type, $content_disposition, $set_cookie); } /*************************************************************/ /* Proxify HTML */ /*************************************************************/ function proxifyhtml($url,$html) { global $servername, $serverpath, $serverpost, $script_stripper, $getprefix, $postprefix, $passwd, $xormode; //Proxify the HTML //Fix postnuke's & $url_tags = "href=|url=|src=|background=|code=|codebase=|archive=|data=|usemap="; $html = preg_replace("/(<[^>]*)($url_tags)(['\"]?)(.*?)(['\" >])/ie", "'\\1\\2\\3'.'$serverpath'.obfuscate(urljoin('$url',fixpostnuke('\\4'))).'\\5'", $html); //Proxify weird css tag $html = preg_replace("/(